Problem Set2(Roman Numeral)


Given a letter in Roman numeral, develop an algorithm and write the Python code to print the value of it. If some other letter other than Roman numeral is given as input then print ‘Enter a roman numeral’ and terminate.


Step1.Get A Roman numeral from the user and store it as roman variable.

Step2.Check if roman is equal to 'I' then display 1

Step3. Else if roman is equal to 'V' then display 5

Step4. Else if roman is equal to 'X' then display 10

Step5. Else if roman is equal to 'L' then display 50

Step6. Else if roman is equal to 'C' then display 100

Step7. Else if roman is equal to 'D' then display 500

Step8. Else roman is equal to 'M' then display 1000

Step9. Else display Enter a Roman Numeral

Step10. End




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