Problem Set4(Library)

Q.A login register is maintained in the library of VITCC in which, the register number of students are recorded when they enter the library. Sometimes it happens that the students visit the library more than once in a day and hence duplicate entries occur so frequently in the register. The librarian wants to have a report of all students who have visited on a particular day, ‘x’. Given the list  of students who visited the library on the day ‘x’, write an algorithm and the subsequent Python program to prepare a report with unique register number of students. Also read a register number ‘r’ and search for it in the list. Print ‘Found’ if ‘r’ is in the list and print ‘Not found’ otherwise.
Input Format:
First line contains the number of students visited, ‘n’
Second line contains the register number of first entry
Third line contains the register number of second entry
. . .
N+1th line contains the register number of n-th entry
Next line contains the register number ‘r’ that has to be searched
Output Format:
A list without duplicate entries
Print either ‘Found’ or ‘Not found’
Boundary Conditions:
Number of students visited >=0
The number of students, list of registration numbers, the registration number that has to be searched.
students = []
for i in range(n):
Display if the registration number searched was found or not.
n = int(input())
if n <= 0:
    print('Invalid Input')
    students = []
    for i in range(n):
        temp = input().rstrip()
        if temp not in students:
    r = input()
    if r in students:
        print('Not found')
Step1. Get the number students from the user.
Step2. If n is less than or equal to zero display invalid input else move on to the next step.
Step3. Initialize students as an empty list and i as 0.
Step4. Repeat till i is less than n
Step4.1. Insert the registration number entered by the user into the ith position of the student list if not in students list else decrement by 1.
Step5. Get the registration number that has to be searched.
Step6. If the registration number is found in the students list then display found else display not found.
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