Problem Set 4(Sparse Matrix)

Sparse Matrix:

Write an algorithm and the subsequent Python program to check whether the given matrix is sparse or not. A matrix is said to be a “Sparse” if the number  of zero entries  in the matrix,  is greater than or equal to the number  of non-zero entries. Otherwise it is  “Not sparse”. Check for boundary conditions and print 'Invalid input' when not satisfied.

Input Format:
The first line will contain the number of rows in the matrix, rows
The Second line will contain the number of columns in the matrix, cols
The next (rows * cols) lines will contain the elements of the matrix, entered row wise
Output Format:
Print either Sparse or Not sparse
Boundary Conditions:
Number of rows and columns > 0

Number of rows and columns and next rows*column number of elements

result = []
temp = []
count_zero = 0
count_non_zero = 0
for i in range(rows):
    for j in range(columns):
        temp_element = int(input())
        if temp_element == 0:
            count_zero += 1
            count_non_zero += 1
    temp = []

Display whether the matrix is sparse or not sparse
Step1. Initialize result and temp as empty lists
Step2. Get rows and columns as inputs.
Step3. Initialize count_zero and count_non_zero as zero
Step4. If one of rows or columns is less than 1 then display invalid input else proceed to Step5.
Step5. Initialize i as 0 and repeat the following steps till i is less than rows.
Step5.1 initialize j as 0 and repeat the following steps till j is less than columns.
Step5.1.1 get the i,jth element of the matrix as the input and store it in temp_element.
Step5.1.2 if temp_element is zero then increment count_zero by 1 else increment count_non_zero by 1.
Step5.1.3 insert temp_element into the jth position of temp
Step5.2 Append temp to result and reinitialize temp as an empty list
Step6. If count_zero is greater than or equal to count_non_zero display the Sparse else display Not sparse.
Step7. End

result = []
temp = []
rows = int(input())
columns = int(input())
count_zero = 0
count_non_zero = 0
if rows < 1 or columns < 1:
    print("invalid input")
    for i in range(rows):
        for j in range(columns):
            temp_element = int(input())
            if temp_element == 0:
                count_zero += 1
                count_non_zero += 1
        temp = []
    if count_zero >= count_non_zero:

        print("Not sparse")

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