Problem Set 5(Word Histogram)

Word Histogram

Histogram is a graphical representation drawn based on the frequency of occurrence of things. Histogram for a word is drawn based on the number of occurrences of each character in the word. An inverted dictionary is used to maintain the list of characters that has same frequency. Write an algorithm and the subsequent Python code to compute and print the frequency of occurrence of character as a dictionary (ch:count). Make the entire process to be case insensitive. For example, if the input word is ‘parrot’, then the dictionary with characters and frequency of occurrence is
{'a': 1, 'o': 1, 'p': 1, 'r': 2, 't': 1}
and the inverted dictionary is
{1: ['a', 'o', 'p', 't'], 2: ['r']}
Print dictionary in sorted order by key. Sort the values of each key in the inverted dictionary.
[Hint: use pprint function for printing dictionary in sorted order.
Syntax for pprint is
pprint(dictionary name)
Include the line “from pprint import pprint” in the top of your program
Check for boundary conditions and print 'Invalid input' if conditions are not met.
Input Format:
First line contains the input word
Output Format:
Dictionary of characters in the word as keys and count as values in sorted order by key.
Inverted dictionary in sorted order by key.
Boundary Conditions:
Given word should only contain alphabets

the word

from pprint import pprint
flag = True
letter = {}
inv_let = {}
temp_list = []
if word.isalpha() == False:
    flag = False
    for i in word:
        letter[i] += 1
    for v in set(letter.values()):
        for k in letter.keys():
            if letter[k] == v:
        inv_let[v] = temp_list
        temp_list = []

print the inverted sorted dictionary if the input is valid else print invalid input

Step1. import the pprint function from the pprint module
Step2. Get the word from the user
Step3. Check if the word contains only alphabets if yes then proceed to step4 else assign flag as False.
Step4. Assign flag as True and initialize letter,inv_let as dictionaries and temp_list as an empty list.
Step5. Let i iterate through the word
Step5.1. Assign i as the key and 0 as the default value and add these to the letter dictionary
Step5.2 Increment the value by 1.
Step6. Let v iterate through the set of values in the letter dictionary
Step6.1 let k iterate through the keys in the letter dictionary
Step6.1.1 if the value obtained by accessing the key k in letter dictionary is v then append k in the temp_list
Step6.2 let v be the key of inv_let dictionary and temp_list be the value
Step6.3 reinitialize temp_list as an empty list
Step7. If flag is equal to True display inv_let in the sorted order else display invalid input.

Step8. End

from pprint import pprint
word = input()
word = word.lower()
if word.isalpha() == False:
    flag = False
    flag = True
    letter = {}
    inv_let = {}
    temp_list = []
    for i in word:
        letter[i] += 1
    for v in set(letter.values()):
        for k in letter.keys():
            if letter[k] == v:
        inv_let[v] = temp_list
        temp_list = []
if flag == True:

    print('Invalid input')

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