Bonus Practice Problems(Pills Finish)

CSE1701 Pills Finish (Id-2333)

Funda has got flu. Her doctor prescribed her 'x' number of 20mg pills, and told her to take a pill every 'y' hours starting from ‘s’ a.m to ‘e’ p.m. Write an algorithm and a Python code to find out,  in how many days Funda will consume 'x' pills. For example, if 'x' is thirty, 'y' is four, ‘s’ is 9 am and ‘e’ is 10 pm then approximately the tablets will be consumed in 8 days. Use ceil function of math module to round the number of days. Time for start and finish of tablet can be read as an integer. Write appropriate functions for accomplishing the task.
Input Format
First line contains the value of 'x', number of pills
Next line contains the value of 'y', number of hours
Next line contains the value of ‘s’
Next line contains the value of ‘e’
Output Format
Approximate number of days to consume tablets, ceil the value got
Input for the problem
First line contains the value of 'x', number of pills
Next line contains the value of 'y', number of hours
Next line contains the value of ‘s’
Next line contains the value of ‘e’

Processing involved
from math import ceil
x,y = int(input()),int(input())
s,e = int(input()),int(input())
time = e-s + 12
pills_per_day = 0
for i in range(0,time,y):
no_of_days = ceil(x/pills_per_day)

Output for the problem
Approximate number of days to consume tablets, ceil the value got

Step1. Get the required data from the user
Step2. Calculate the number of hours available per day
Step3. Calculate the number of pills that can be taken in a day
Step4. Calculate the number of days required.
Step5. End

from math import ceil
x,y = int(input()),int(input())
s,e = int(input()),int(input())
time = e-s + 12
pills_per_day = 0
for i in range(0,time,y):
no_of_days = ceil(x/pills_per_day)

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